The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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10 random organists in The Hammond Jazz Inventory

Bas van Lier

Gene Ludwig

Trudy Pitts

Bernard Suchel

Dan Wall

Roosevelt Willette

Jimmy Smith

Oscar Marchioni

Jack McDuff

Roy Powell

Things you might like

Scott Shetler - C'mon Man

Billy Larkin - I Got The Feelin'

Peter Bernstein - Brain Dance

Mauri Sanchis - Less Is More

The Greg Hatza ORGANization - The Greg Hatza Organization

Jimmy Bruno - Like That

Maggy Scott - Talking To The World

Reuben Wilson - Boogaloo To The Beasty Boys

Jimmy Smith - Stay Loose

Barbara Dennerlein - Bebabaloo

Chris Flory - Word On The Street

Sam Yahel - In The Blink Of An Eye

Vito Di Modugno - Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio Plus Guest

The Veldman Brothers - Home

Gianni Giudici

Bob DeVos - Breaking The Ice

Sonny Stitt & Don Patterson - Brothers 4

Jake Langley - Doug's Garage

Houston Person - Why Not!

Rob Schepens

Jimmy Smith & Wes Montgomery - Further Adventures Of Jimmy And Wes

Shirley Scott & Kenny Burrell - Travelin' Light

Shirley Scott & The Soul Saxes

Melvin Sparks

Lou Bennett - Now Hear My Meaning

Jimmy McGriff - The Starting Five

Bob DeVos - Shifting Sands

Rhoda Scott - Feelin' The Groove

Charles Earland - Mama Roots

Eric van Heijzen Group - Easy, Still Blue