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Details for album Shadow Box by Bob DeVos
 | Band: | Bob DeVos »» | Released: | 2013 | Rating: | (1 votes) | Your rating: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1 | After Burner »» | 2 | Pensativa »» | 3 | Wives And Lovers »» | 4 | The River's Invitation »» | 5 | Shadow Box »» | 6 | Blue Print »» | 7 | The Wizard »» | 8 | Basie In Mind »» | 9 | Maine Stay »» | 10 | Born To Be Blue »» | 11 | Twisted Blues »» |
Ralph Bowen »» | Tenor sax | | Bob DeVos »» | Guitar | | Steve Johns »» | Drums | | Dan Kostelnik »» | Hammond B3 | | Listen
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