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Melvin Rhyne - Kojo

Jimmy Smith - Paid In Full

Dan Wall - Off The Wall

Jimmy McGriff Organ & Blues Band - Step 1

Jake Langley - Diggin' In

Tony Monaco - Live At The Orbit Room

Jimmy McGriff - Blue To The Bone

Details for album Soulmates by Libor Šmoldas - Brian Charette - Tomas Hobzek

Band:Libor Šmoldas - Brian Charette - Tomas Hobzek »»
Recorded:19 Nov 2012
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Diggin' Deep »»06:05
2 Insane Asylum »»03:32
3 Harlem Hostel »»07:01
4 Liquid Breakfast »»08:12
5 What? »»04:16
6 Broken D Key »»05:43
7 Homerun »»05:06
8 Portrait From Memory »»03:47
9 Banana Boogaloo »»04:05
Brian Charette »»Hammond B3
Miroslav Hloucal »»Trumpet(tracks 5)
Tomáš Hobzek »»Drums
Lukáš Martinek »»Electric guitar(tracks 6)
Libor Šmoldas »»Guitar
Michal Wróblewski »»Alt sax(tracks 5)
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