The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Big Organ Trio - Big Organ Trio

Five hundredth album
On April 15, 2011 we added the five hundredth album to The Hammond Jazz Inventory and wrote an article about it. Read more here.

Johnny 'Hammond' Smith - The Stinger

Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom - Green Eyed Soul

Charles Kynard - Afro-disiac

Advanced Warning - Lemon Juice

Jimmy Smith - Daybreak

Jimmy Smith - Midnight Special

Details for song Banana Boogaloo

Title:Banana Boogaloo
Duration: 04:05
Band:Libor Šmoldas - Brian Charette - Tomas Hobzek »»
Album:Soulmates »»

Other interpretations
Banana Boogaloo »» on album Mosquito Bite »» by Raphael Wressnig and Enrico Crivellaro Organ Trio »»Banana Boogaloo »» on album Boom Bello! »» by Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio »»
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