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Jimmy McGriff - The Starting Five

Mike LeDonne

Jimmy Smith quote
I copped my solos from horn players. I don't listen to keyboard players. I can't get what I want from keyboard players.

Rusty Bryant

Das Hakan Türközü Trio - e=mc3

Peter Bernstein - Brain Dance

Pat Martino

Dr Lonnie Smith - Rise Up!

Details for song Banana Boogaloo

Title:Banana Boogaloo
Duration: 04:05
Band:Libor Šmoldas - Brian Charette - Tomas Hobzek »»
Album:Soulmates »»

Other interpretations
Banana Boogaloo »» on album Mosquito Bite »» by Raphael Wressnig and Enrico Crivellaro Organ Trio »»Banana Boogaloo »» on album Boom Bello! »» by Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio »»
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