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Hank Marr - Blues'n And Cruisin'

Akiko Tsuruga - St. Louis Blues

Advanced Warning - You Are Busted

Vince Seneri - The Prince's Groove

Richard 'Groove' Holmes - Soul Message

John Hondorp Tio - Open Stories

Charles Earland

Details for album A Date With Jimmy Smith, Volume One by Jimmy Smith

Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Recorded:11 Feb 1957
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Falling In Love With Love »»12:09
2 How High The Moon »»06:00
3 Funk's Oats »»15:53
Donald Bailey »»Drums(tracks 1,3)
Art Blakey »»Drums(tracks 2)
Donald Byrd »»Trumpet
Lou Donaldson »»Alt sax
Eddie McFadden »»Guitar
Hank Mobley »»Tenor sax
Jimmy Smith »»Hammond B3
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