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The Tenor Triange with The Melvin Rhyne Trio - Aztec Blues

Bob DeVos - Breaking The Ice

Don Patterson - The Genius Of The B-3

Deep Blue Organ Trio - Goin' To Town. Live At The Green Mill

Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet - Never Enough

Dr Lonnie Smith - Rise Up!

Jimmy Smith - Bashin'

Details for song Mood Indigo

Title:Mood Indigo
Duration: 08:46
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:Dot Com Blues »»

Other interpretations
Mood Indigo »» on album Standards »» by Jimmy Smith »»Mood Indigo »» on album Fourmost return »» by Jimmy Smith »»Mood Indigo »» on album Organic Chemistry »» by Bobby Forrester »»
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