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Jimmy McGriff Organ & Blues Band - Step 1

Advanced Warning - You Are Busted

Joey DeFrancecso - Live At The 5 Spot

Akiko Tsuruga - St. Louis Blues

Vince Seneri - The Prince's Groove

John Hondorp Tio - Open Stories

Tony Monaco - Live At The Orbit Room

Details for album Amen by Lou Bennett

Band:Lou Bennett »»
Rating: (7 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Sister Sadie »»
2 So what »»
3 Jubilation »»
4 Brother Daniel »»
5 Green Dolphin Street »»
6 Amen »»
Lou Bennett »»Organ
Kenny Clarke »»Drums
Jimmy Gourley »»Guitar
Jean Marie Ingrand »»Bass
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