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Jack McDuff and Joey DeFrancesco - It's About Time

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

T.C Pfeiler - Out Of Space

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio - In Between

Houston Person


Gale/Rodrigues Group - Live At The Rex

Hank Marr

Details for song Something

Duration: Unknown
Band:Bobby Forrester »»
Album:Organist »»

Other interpretations
Something »» on album Wa-Tu-Wa-Zui »» by Charles Kynard »»Something »» on album Something »» by Shirley Scott »»Something Happens To Me »» on album Hustlin' »» by Stanley Turrentine »»
Something New, Something Blue »» on album Young Blues »» by Larry Young »»Something's Got To Give »» on album Boogaloo To The Beastie Boys »» by Reuben Wilson »»
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