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John Scofield - A Go Go

Jimmy Smith - Portuguese Soul

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Bob DeVos - Playing For Keeps

Bruno Erminero Trio - Listen To My Soul

Tony Monaco - Fiery Blues

Donna Grantis

Larry Goldings - Quartet

Details for song What's Going On

Title:What's Going On
Duration: Unknown
Band:Atsuko Hashimoto Organ Trio »»
Album:Songs We Love »»

Other interpretations
What's Going On »» on album Let's Stay Together »» by Jimmy McGriff »»What's Going On »» on album Live At The Britt Festival »» by Mel Brown B-3 Organ Quartet »»What's Going On »» on album How To Kiss »» by Susanne Alt »»
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