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Wes Montgomery - Boss Guitar

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Wild Bill Davis & T.C. Pfeiler - 70th/30th Anniversary Live Concert

Roland Kirk with Jack McDuff - Kirk's Work

Jesse van Ruller

Jimmy Smith - At The Organ, Volume 2

Groove Holmes - Blues All Day Long

Tony Monaco - Fiery Blues

Details for song Mellow Mood

Title:Mellow Mood
Duration: 04:19
Band:The Jazzinvaders »»
Album:That's What You Say »»

Other interpretations
Mellow Mood »» on album Manic Organic »» by Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio »»Mellow Mood »» on album Further Adventures Of Jimmy And Wes »» by Jimmy Smith & Wes Montgomery »»Mellow Mood »» on album Nothing But The Truth »» by Soul Sugar »»
Mellow Mood »» on album Spiral »» by Dr. Lonnie Smith »»Mellow Mood »» on album The Healer »» by Dr. Lonnie Smith »»
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