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The Greg Hatza ORGANization - Snake Eyes

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Joey & Pappa John DeFrancesco - All In The Family

Joey DeFrancecso - Joey D!

Freddie Roach - Brown Sugar

Bob DeVos - Breaking The Ice

Pat Bianchi

The Tenor Triange with The Melvin Rhyne Trio - Aztec Blues

Details for song Serenata

Duration: Unknown
Band:Shirley Scott »»
Album:Soul Shoutin' »»

Other interpretations
Serenata »» on album The Legend »» by Melvin Rhyne Trio »»Serenata »» on album Caminhos Cruzados »» by Larry Goldings »»Serenata »» on album Live At The 1996 Ford Montreux Detroit Jazz Festival »» by The Lyman Woodard Trio »»
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