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Joey DeFrancesco - One Take

Joey DeFrancesco - Joey DeFrancesco Plays Sinatra His Way

Jimmy McGriff quote
Music is like a wheel, When you drive a car down a street, you might go down the same street, but you'll run over something today that wasn't there yesterday, so that puts a new look on that tire, and that's the way music is. When it goes over, it picks up something that wasn't there before.

Alan Brown

Raphael Wressnig & Enrico Crivellaro Organ Trio - Mosquito Bite

Grant Green - Talkin' About

Jimmy McGriff

Joey DeFrancesco

Details for song Satin Doll

Title:Satin Doll
Duration: 07:01
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:Organ Grinder Swing »»

Other interpretations
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Satin Doll »» on album A Bucketful Of Soul »» by Trudy Pitts »»
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